Mo' Creatures Wiki
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/* The green header used throughout the wiki */
/* The green header used throughout the wiki */
.mcwiki-header {
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background: ##1f5d04;
background: #1f5d04;
border: 1px solid #CCC;
border: 1px solid #CCC;
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border-bottom: 4px groove #999;

Revision as of 23:04, 17 May 2017

/***** CSS placed here will be applied to all skins on the entire site. *****/

/* Mark redirects in Special:Allpages and Special:Watchlist */
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/* This attempts to disable antialiasing for all images. Instead, nearest neighbor sampling will be used. Images wrapped in containers with the  */
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/* The green header used throughout the wiki */
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/** Template stylings **/
/* [[Template:Slot]] */
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/* Plain slot with no border or background */
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/* Generic Minecraft interface styling: [[Module:UI]] */
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.mcui-Crafting_Table > *,
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/* [[Template:Crafting]]:
   [[File:Grid layout Arrow (small).png]], [[File:Grid layout Shapeless.png]], [[File:Grid layout Fixed.png]] */
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.mcui-Crafting_Table .mcui-shapeless {
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.mcui-Crafting_Table .mcui-fixed {
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/* [[Template:Inventory Crafting]]:
   [[File:Grid layout Arrow (small).png]], [[File:Grid layout Shapeless.png]], [[File:Grid layout Fixed.png]] */
.mcui-Inventory_Table .mcui-row {
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.mcui-Inventory_Table > .mcui-arrow {
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.mcui-Inventory_Table .mcui-shapeless {
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.mcui-Inventory_Table .mcui-fixed {
	background-image: url(//;

/* [[Template:Smelting]]:
   [[File:Grid layout Sugar Fire.png]], [[File:Grid layout Sugar Fire (in-active).png]]
   [[File:Grid layout Sugar Furnace Progress.png]], [[File:Grid layout Sugar Furnace Progress (in-active).png]] */
.mcui-Furnace .mcui-fuel {
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.mcui-Furnace .mcui-fuel.mcui-inactive {
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.mcui-Furnace > .mcui-arrow {
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.mcui-Furnace > .mcui-arrow.mcui-inactive {
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.mcui-Furnace > .mcui-output {
	margin-top: 28px;

/* [[Template:Hotbar]] */
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.mcui-Hotbar .invslot {
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/* [[Template:Infobox]], [[Template:Infobox row]] */
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/* Element animator */
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/* Styling for minecraft style tooltip */
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/* Allow setting the text alignment of particular table columns */
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